殼牌潤滑油系列 > 殼牌航空潤滑油 > AEROSHELL SSF AND LGF/起落架液壓油Hydraulic Fluids |
AEROSHELL SSF AND LGF/起落架液壓油Hydraulic Fluids 詳細說明 (瀏覽1400次) |
AEROSHELL SSF AND LGF AeroShell Shock Strut Fluid (SSF) and AeroShell Landing Gear Fluid (LGF) are mineral hydraulic fluids (MIL-PRF-6083 and MIL-PRF-5606 respectively) to which additional additives have been added to improve the extreme pressure characteristics and the fluid’s natural lubricity. The lubricity agent provides a stable thin film layer to the metal surfaces at mild operating conditions. When severe conditions exist (landing/touchdown), the extreme pressure additive supplies the load carrying needed at the metal-to-metal surfaces to prevent the occurrence of such phenomena as "ladder cracking" and "slip stiction" of the piston component of the landing gear. AeroShell SSF is AeroShell Fluid 71 plus additives. AeroShell LGF is AeroShell Fluid 41 plus additives. APPLICATIONS AeroShell SSF is recommended for all normal applications whilst the better low temperature properties of AeroShell LGF make it particularly suitable in areas of low temperature operations. AeroShell SSF and AeroShell LGF are compatible with each other as well as with AeroShell Fluids 4, 41 and 71. AeroShell SSF and LGF are straw yellow in colour. SPECIFICATIONS U.S. – British – French – Russian – NATO Code – Joint Service Designation – Boeing Approved BMS 3-32A (AeroShell SSF is approved to Type I and AeroShell LGF is approved to Type II) McDonnell Douglas Approved DPM-6177 AeroShell SSF and LGF are not covered by any military specification. www.shell.com/aviation 210 Hydraulic Fluids EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS APPROVALS AeroShell SSF and LGF are approved for use in the shock struts of the following aircraft: Boeing 707/720, 727, 737, 747 (except those using BMS 3-11 fluids), 757, 767 and 777 Lockheed L1011 Tristar McDonnell Douglas DC-8, DC-9, DC-10, MD-80, MD-11 Airbus CML Code 02-004A (SSF) For use in the landing gear shock struts of other aircraft, operators must check with the respective manufacturer first. PROPERTIES SSF LGF TYPICAL TYPICAL Base hydraulic fluid specification MIL-PRF-6083F MIL-PRF-5606H Kinematic viscosity mm 2 /s @ 40°C 14.5 14.5 @ –40°C 560 423 @ –54°C 2640 1780 Flashpoint °C 108 110 Neutralisation Number mgKOH/g 2.6 2.4 Evaporation % SSF 22 hrs @ 99°C 65 – LGF 6 hrs @ 71°C – 18.0TYPICAL TEMPERATURE/VISCOSITY CURVE OF AEROSHELL HYDRAULIC FLUIDS The AeroShell Book Edition 18 2003 213 Hydraulic Fluids www.shell.com/aviation 212 Hydraulic Fluids PROPERTIES SSF LGF TYPICAL TYPICAL Relative density @ 15.6/15.6°C 0.882 0.874 Pourpoint °C –62 Below –68 Foaming Seq I Foam/Collapse time sec 30/30 45 Seq II Foam/Collapse time sec 20/10 – Seq III Foam/Collapse time sec 30/30 – Corrosion – Oxidation Stability (121°C/168 hrs) Metal Weight Change mg/cm 2 Copper +0.002 –0.06 Aluminium 0 –0.005 Steel 0 –0.02 Magnesium +0.002 +0.01 Cadmium 0 +0.01 Fluid Properties Change in viscosity % +15 +10.5 Change in Acid Number mgKOH/g +0.5 +0.05 Insolubles 1.0mg/100ml Clear 4-ball wear, scar diam. mm 0.43 0.43 Colour Yellow Yellow Table continued 4 & 41 71 31 & 61 AeroShell Fluids 3 4 5 7 10 15 25 50 100 200 500 1000 3000 10000 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Kinematic viscosity: mm 2 /s Temperature: 0 C |