美孚潤滑油系列 > 油性切削油 > Mobilmet Lambda CCF |
Mobilmet Lambda CCF 詳細說明 (瀏覽1410次) |
Mobilmet CCF Series Oil Based Cutting Fluids Product Description Mobilmet CCF Series products are high performance, chlorine-free, oil based cutting fluids. The Mobilmet CCF Series oils are universal, transparent, super-duty (active), cutting oils designed by our formulation technologists for a wide range of applications. The products in the series contain an innovative and particularly effective additivecombinationandmeetthehighestdemandsofoperation, cuttingconditions,toolandworkpiecematerials. The anti-mist agents reduce oil mist formation, resulting in lower airborne particulate matter and lower oil consumption. The light colour of the Mobilmet CCF Series permits excellent visual inspection of the tool and work piece, in contrast to other cutting oils in this performance grade. Each of the five products in the series, which differ in their viscosity, covers a wide range of applications. While the Mobilmet CCF Series is suitable for use with steel and nonferrous metals, machining of copper-containing alloys at elevated temperatures may cause staining of the work piece. Mobilmet CCF product technology specifically designed for multipurpose application allows the requirements of several machining applications and various machining severities and metallurgies to be met with a single fluid. Their multipurpose capability and ease of application make Mobilmet CCF products the preferred choice among machine shop operators. Features and Benefits The Mobilmet brand of cutting fluids has gained a well-deserved reputation for innovation and outstanding performance over the years. The Mobilmet CCF Series of products maintains and extends this proud tradition by its use of special chlorine-free additive technology formulated by our research technologists. This technology yields superb performance in awide range of applications,while providing the environmental and disposal benefit of being chlorine-free. Additional features and potential benefits of Mobilmet CCF products include: Features Advantages and Potential Benefits Better finish and closer tolerances for top quality parts production; reduced need for finishing Outstanding cutting performance operationsIncreased tool life and reduced maintenanceLessdowntime,fewer rejects,andincreased work piece output Light colour, neutral odor and non-irritating to the skin Improved ease of use and operator safety Low misting Lower oil consumption Wide range of applications Potential inventory savings Chlorine-free Reduced disposal costs Very good oxidation stability Extended batch life, reduced product replacement costs Applications MobilmetCCF Seriesoilsareuniversal cuttingoilsdesignedforawiderangeofapplications. Specificapplications, by grade, include: 1 of 2 01-2006 |